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By Green Power Company
Solar energy

GPC – Launch Of Pumping Stations – ESCWA

A visit took place on November 3, 2021 in Chorbane, a town in east-central Tunisia attached to the governorate of Mahdia. Ensured through a high-level committee chaired by Mr. AbdeFattah Chakchouk, the governor of Mahdia and composed of a delegation from the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia “ESCWA”, the regional director of the General Commission for Regional Development “CGDR” and the regional director of the National Energy Management Agency “ANME”.

This visit is part of the consolidation of the regional initiative to encourage photovoltaic energy projects in rural areas, support for rural women and the inauguration of the five photovoltaic solar energy pumping stations carried out by the company “GPC” Green Power Company.

The projects carried out by GPC are delivered as a donation by the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia of the United Nations "CESWA, ESCWA" as part of the project "Regional Initiative for the Promotion of Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in Arab Rural Areas “REGEND”, financed by the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency “SIDA”. The implementation of the systems was supervised by “ESCWA” and coordinated by “CGDR”, “ANME” , and the Territorial Agricultural Extension Unit “CTV” of Chorbane.

Through the quality of the projects delivered, GPC has demonstrated its commitment and commitment to boosting activities relating to the improvement of the socio-environmental situation in the region.

We thank all the stakeholders who contributed to the success of these projects and for the trust they placed in us.

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